Endlessly Offended 'Squad' Member Ilhan Omar Pounces on Leader McConnell, Accuses Him of Racism after Voting Rights Bill Remarks

‘Squad’ member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and a whole passel of pearl-clutching, endlessly offended Democrats pounced on Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) accusing him of racism after deliberately misconstruing his remarks on the defeat of the leftist voting rights bill.

McConnell was asked by a reporter what his message is to voters of color who are “concerned” that they won’t be able to vote in the midterm 2022 elections following the defeat of the voting rights bill.

“Well, the concern is misplaced because if you look at the statistics, African-American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans,” McConnell said during a press conference. He obviously dropped the word “other” in his comment by mistake but Democrats were just waiting for the tiniest misstep to excoriate the Republican.