Apoplexy: Amazon Leadership Holds Session for Employees Dealing with 'Trauma' Over Matt Walsh Book, 'Johnny the Walrus'

In a video recently published by Libs of TikTok, an Amazon employee breaks down and cries during a video meeting about a children’s book that compares transgenderism to a little boy pretending to be an animal. The meeting was about strategies for dealing with the book, which is available at Amazon.

When conservative pundit Matt Walsh published Johnny the Walrus, the Left — especially the LGBTQ crowd — suffered from near apoplexy. The book — which became available for pre-order at Amazon in December before its actual release in March — is about a boy who pretends he is a walrus and finds himself faced with the choice to undergo medical treatment to become a walrus.

The obvious point is a comparison between children pretending something that is impossible (being an animal) and an agenda to force the impossible (boys being girls and vice versa). The book hit its mark, but not before Amazon accidentally categorized it as an LGBTQ book. It appears that some overworked Amazon employee simply skimmed the contents and decided this was yet another children’s book about being “trans.”